
Egnatia 154 - Thessaloniki 54636


+30 2313 098 159

Web Design - TWO DOTS

Web Design

Web development is a crucial step for any business that wishes to conquer the world of the internet. It is the gateway that leads visitors to the world of your business's products and services.

The websites we produce are unique. We believe that an exciting and engaging browsing experience makes your brand memorable and stronger.

We will never compromise on delivering pre-made websites to meet your business goals.

We use the latest technology combined with modern design to build long-lasting and future-proof websites.

We design and build your websites, using experience and expertise in web development technologies.

First Impression Counts!

Users form an opinion about your business in less than a second when they visit your website. Website design starts with a focus on functionality and appearance.

Correct appearance on mobile

More than 50% of users prefer a business whose website displays correctly on mobile devices.

In website development, the design is implemented in a way that it automatically adapts to mobile and tablet devices (responsive design).

The Users

Users evaluate the business by the appearance and functionality of the website.

of the Construction

Web development is not just a technical project. It is the process in which aesthetics, functionality and usability are combined to create a complete experience for the visitor.

Quality and Professionalism

In web development, professionalism is key. Every detail, from design to functionality, should reflect your business philosophy and identity.

The Best Result

At TWO DOTS, we understand the importance of good cooperation. We are with you every step of the way, listening to your needs and requirements, offering customized solutions that meet your goals.

Web Design: from Design to Impressive Online Presence

The process of website design is particularly important as it will determine the style, the aesthetic impression, as well as the feeling of impressiveness and uniqueness of the website. 

That is why a detailed discussion with the client precedes to determine the goals (professional, personal, corporate), the specifics and functions that will characterize the new website, the content of the website as well as the audience we want it to address and perform.

We design websites with high aesthetic web design, automatically adaptable to smartphones and tablets (responsive) that are positively evaluated by Google and are able to be found high in the results of search engines and attract visitors.

Web Design: from Design to Impressive Online Presence - TWO DOTS

Web Design: a unique experience that leaves an impression

The websites we produce are unique, we believe that an engaging and interesting experience makes your brand memorable and stronger.

Design in website construction is the part that attracts visitors to browse its content, which should be rich, effective and at the same time useful.

The websites we build are search engine friendly with the main goal of appearing in search results in high positions.

We connect your website with the Google Analytics tool to see in real time how many users visit your website. -Google Analytics provides you with hundreds of pieces of information about your website visitors, both quantitative and qualitative.

Web Design: a unique experience that leaves an impression - TWO DOTS

Web Design: optimizing for Search and Usage

Each website is connected to the Google Search Console tool, there we see in which and how many keywords your website appears.

Our goal is for you to appear on the first page for as many keywords as possible. – all the keywords we choose to optimize your website must be relevant to the subject of the website.

We create user-friendly websites and online stores designed to increase traffic and sales.

We build 100% flawless and fully functional structure to ensure the profitability of any online business.

Web Design: optimization for Search and User - TWO DOTS

Web Design: the Importance of Responsive Design in the Age of Smart Devices

Internet users are increasingly using smart devices to search and browse websites of interest. This trend to browse from mobile or smart devices is growing. This fact makes it particularly important that the design of the website is Responsive, i.e. it adapts to all screen sizes.

Any good website should work well in all browsers (Chrome, Explorer, Mozilla, Safari) and all devices such as smartphones, tablets, computers, smart TVs and laptops.

Through a close collaboration with us, we will jointly design the websites in the style and concept of your business, so that they represent you and your brand.

Web Design: the Importance of Responsive Design in the Age of Smart Devices - TWO DOTS

Design with
3 approaches

Design with
3 approaches

Reliable Template - TWO DOTS

Website Construction with Template

By purchasing a quality template (design standard) and observing its aesthetics and functionality. 

We utilize the selected template with the aim of maximizing cost savings for you while ensuring that the website you acquire has its own personality.

Reliable Template - TWO DOTS

Web Design with Customize Template

By purchasing a quality template (design template) and custom design and functional adaptation from us, with the addition of additional graphics and animation, so that the new website is particularly impressive and absolutely unique. 

In this way you get a website that gathers most of the advantages of custom design and all the advantages of the easy-to-use open software CMS (wordpress). It is about how to design with the best cost / performance ratio.

Custom Design - TWO DOTS

Website Construction with Custom Design

Custom design of your website from scratch. We recommend it in special cases of web pages with special requirements as well as the cost and time of implementation multiply. Of course the result is unique and the quality of the website very high!

Web Design: success starts here

Get your own website today and open the doors to your success in the digital world. Contact us for a partnership that will take your business to the next level.

Key features

The website will be modern aesthetically and technologically, very easy to manage and particularly easy to use and attractive for visitors.

The design and construction of websites will be done by a web designer, adapting to your needs a modern aesthetic and functional standard, or with a custom design from scratch.

Basic - TWO DOTS
Web Design - Responsive - TWO DOTS

1 - Responsive

In website development, the design is crafted to be automatically adaptable to mobile phones and tablets (responsive), ensuring that the website displays with a specially tailored layout depending on the size and type of screen the visitor is using while also featuring a dedicated mobile adaptation for improved performance on mobile devices.

Web Design - Menu - TWO DOTS

2 - Menu

The content and menu in website development will be organized into dynamic categories and subcategories. The structure of the menu and the homepage will be determined after a detailed discussion with you.

Web Design - Slideshow - TWO DOTS

3 - Slideshow

There will be an automated slideshow or photo gallery on the homepage and on any internal pages where it is necessary during website development.

Web Design - GDPR - TWO DOTS

4 - GDPR

Website development will be customized to comply with the requirements of the European GDPR regulation. 

It will also be automatically responsive to mobile phones and tablets, adapting its design according to the size and type of screen that the visitor is using, while providing a special mobile adaptation for better performance on mobile devices.

Web Design - Polyglot - TWO DOTS

5 - Multilingual

The website construction will support multilingual content with the ability to add additional languages at any time. 

Initially, it will be developed in Greek and/or English. You can add as many languages as you desire (with the ability to design for RTL for Arabic languages and Hebrew).

Web Design - SEO Friendly - TWO DOTS

6 - SEO Friendly

The website development will have all the SEO-friendly tools that a website needs to perform well on search engines and rank high in results.

Web Design - SSL - TWO DOTS

7 - SSL

After the completion of website construction, SSL (Secure Socket Layers) will be installed, certifying that users visiting your site are under a secure connection.

Web Design - Editing - TWO DOTS

8 - Editing

Editing will be done by specialized professionals in website construction.

Website construction may also include:


Fields for adaptation to GDPR.

Contact Form with Antispam Captcha.

Google Maps.

Text (content) entry.

Social Networking Integration & RSS Feeds.

Presentation of news, articles, or announcements in a blog with tags, categorization, and tagcloud.

Full support for multimedia content with posting of photos, videos, and animations.

Design according to the latest standards (CSS design) to make the website attractive, impressive, functional, user-friendly, and search engine-friendly, taking into account the specific features, needs, and desires of the clients.

User-friendly, easy-to-use working environment for system administrators.

Compatibility, as it ideally works with all browsers.

Easy text (content) input, using all punctuation marks, effects, fonts, and symbols, much like how text is handled in a regular Word version.

Easy uploading of photos, videos, files, and diagrams (charts) at all content/text points.

Precise representation (preview) of the final format of the website at the moment of creation by the administrator.

Contact Form (includes antispam captcha and Google Map with entry of your business address).

Automatic and manual metadata entry for optimal communication with search engines and high Google ranking for effective SEO.

Option to add advertising banners.

Training on how to use the website management environment.

Registration with Google Analytics to monitor your statistics.

And dozens of additional features and functions according to each client's needs.

Are you ready?

Let's start building websites in the style and concept of your business.

Within a short period of time, you will have your own websites and you will be able to change the content through an easy-to-use admin.

If you need more information or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. We're here to assist you!

At TWO DOTS, the process begins with a meeting with you to understand your needs and requirements. Then, we develop a design plan and provide you with a quote. Upon your approval, we proceed with the development and design of your website, with regular communication and feedback. Finally, we conduct error checks, testing, and deliver your website.

The cost of a website depends on various factors such as the purpose, design, complexity, and additional features you desire. We can discuss your specific needs and provide you with a customized quote tailored to your budget.

The development time of a website depends on the complexity and scope of the project. We can discuss the details of your project and provide you with an estimate for the expected delivery time.

A static website is a simple website that presents fixed content and doesn't change frequently. On the other hand, a dynamic website allows for content to be changed and updated by administrators through a content management system (CMS).

Responsive design is a design approach that allows a website to automatically adapt to various devices and screens, such as mobile phones and tablets. It is essential because users prefer to have a seamless browsing experience regardless of the device they are using.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the techniques and strategic measures taken to improve the visibility of your website in search engines. This may include optimizing keywords, optimizing content, and promoting your website through backlinks and social media.

At TWO DOTS, we use tools like Google Analytics to track the website traffic and performance of your website. We can provide you with access to the results and deliver reports and analyses on the performance of your website.

TWO DOTS can help you create a fully functional ecommerce platform on your website. This includes integrating user-friendly solutions for shopping carts, payments, and order management.

At TWO DOTS, we take multiple security measures to protect your website. These include keeping the software updated and maintained securely, using secure SSL certificates, and addressing potential security threats.

At TWO DOTS, we provide ongoing support after the completion of your website. We are available to address any questions, troubleshoot issues, or make any necessary changes that may arise.

Yes, at TWO DOTS, we can provide hosting for your website. Depending on your needs, we can offer shared hosting or dedicated server hosting.

At TWO DOTS, we have a team of professionals with extensive experience and certifications in the field of website design. We have successfully executed projects for numerous clients, providing solutions that cater to their specific needs.

Our payment and collaboration terms are dependent on the project and your specific needs. We can discuss these details and provide you with a customized proposal that meets your satisfaction.

Absolutely! With the content management system (CMS) we provide, you can update and change the content of your website whenever you want.

You can contact us by phone, email, or by filling out the contact form on our website. We would be delighted to discuss your needs and provide the best solution for you.

Fill in the contact form to receive your offer.


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